Welcome to what’s new on Shopfront for July, August & September 2023. We’ve got some great new features to help you with ordering / invoicing and a healthy dose of minor features and bug fixes.
Note: Some of these changes are gradually rolling out to stores, some of the changes may not be received in your store for a couple of weeks
Major Features
Order Reviews

Want to implement a staged approach to sending orders and receiving invoices? Shopfront now lets you create an order, invoice, return or credit note and mark it for review from other users, allowing them to comment, add attachments, track changes for the order and approve or decline the order.
We also have a number of options to automatically create reviews (such as when there is a discrepancy in the total of an invoice) and to enforce features (such as a minimum number of approvals before a review can be completed).
Order reviews are currently only available to stores using the premium plan.
Attachments for Orders

We’ve just added the ability to upload an attachment to an order! Keep all your order forms, invoices and correspondence relating to an order in one place by uploading it all into Shopfront.
There is currently no limit (other than file size) for the amount of attachments for an order and there is currently no limit to the amount of time attachments are stored on Shopfront.
Maximum Stock on Hand
Ever wanted to ensure you don’t have more stock on hand for a specific product than what can fit on the shelf? With the new maximum stock on hand feature Shopfront will now warn you when the quantity you’re attempting to order breaches the maximum value set in the product edit page and contextually show you when maximums may be exceeded.
Shopfront will also intelligently reduce the suggested amount of stock to order to not exceed the amount provided.
Minor Features
- Improved the styling when in dark mode in a number of locations,
- Adjusted styling when your Vendor has expired which makes it clearer on how to adjust your payment details,
- Receipts can now have customisable padding around the entire receipt,
- Future costs can now be created (similar to future prices),
- Added confirmation when deleting and applying future sell prices,
- Temporary products can now be associated with existing products on an invoice without overriding the current supplier code,
- Prevented parking of sales which contain an integrated product or custom payment methods,
- Added support for merging tax rates with identical rates,
- Payment methods can now be broken down by subtype (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, etc) in reports and on register closures when using an integrated payment method,
- Added additional troubleshooting steps for when the sale keys can’t be displayed,
- Receipts can now show gift card details and balances of any gift card on the sale when a sale is completed,
- Significantly improved the speed of the external stocktake import,
- A declined payment will now display a retry dialog allowing you to attempt the same payment again without having to enter the details (such as amount and cashout) back in,
- Credit notes now display in the product purchase history page,
- Credit notes and returns now display on the supplier purchase history page,
- Significantly improved the speed of customer payment screen, now allowing you to process customer payments with thousands of outstanding sales,
- [Zen Global] Additional validation has been added when creating new customers,
- [Developer] Frame dialogs can now be scaled to their content instead of taking up 70% of the screen
Bug Fixes
- Opening an emailed order in Microsoft Outlook now longer displays duplicate data,
- Promotions on the sell screen will now be automatically applied when modified from a different device and when using the dedicated thread for promotions after the next synchronisation (instead of leaving the page and returning to it),
- Significantly reduced “jumpiness” when scrolling through an order,
- Deleting a receipt no longer results in an error being displayed,
- Discounting a product on a reloaded cancelled sale now bases the discount off the normal sell price,
- Device names now send to the security centre when the device returns from being offline,
- Opening a saved product revision history report with filters applied now correctly displays,
- Emails for saved product revision history reports now work as expected,
- The last cost displayed when viewing details for a product on an order when running with global costs is now the last cost instead of the average cost,
- Viewing the media centre with a large number of images (thousands) no longer slows down all other pages until page refresh,
- Prevented a crash on the order edit page when editing a recently created a temporary product and assigning it to a family,
- The gift card import from CSV no longer displays the current and original amounts in the opposite columns when previewing the data,
- Purchase history for products no longer fails to load if the 20 most recent orders all haven’t been received,
- Integration marketplace long descriptions now correctly scale the dialog box,
- Prevented sell screen finalise input box from expanding when entering amounts in,
- Fixed percentage calculations when running MSC reports,
- Scanning a product on a stocktake no longer results in a failed upload when logged in as the offline user,
- Register closures no longer fail to upload when they contain a deleted payment method,
- Cancelling a sale with rounding no longer adjusts the amount owing of an account customer,
- Cost of goods sold now correctly calculates when running a MSC report,
- [ILG] The integration button on orders sent to ILG now appears when you’re in global mode,
- [Developer] Improved the speed of the application history by adding pagination and moving logging to a separate database